The Battle Against Women Rages On

Benjamin D. Elland
3 min readSep 2, 2021
Sign from 2012 Dublin Pro-Choice rally

Texas bans Abortions efficiently, before a woman or girl can even know she is pregnant, she faces no chance. Courts are posing a real threat at repealing an incredibly vital supreme court case for women’s rights.

In January 1973, the Burger Court decided that the due-process clause of the fourth amendment provides a right to privacy that protects a woman’s right to choose, it was a landmark decision protecting the human rights of women. Wednesday, September 1st, Texas passed a new law that bans abortion after six weeks. And due to the legal parameters that the law was written, it may be nearly impossible to battle, and with the legal terminology, it’s a complete ban on abortion. With the false hopes of few, and the painfully real predictions of most women and outraged people, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 in doing nothing to stop the law. This sets an incredibly dangerous path. If Fear and Loathing weren’t a way of American life now, it surely will be soon.

For most, if not all women, this was never a cushy time. No one felt their rights were perfectly safe after Roe V. Wade. The constant battle to remind many that this case is under attack, to continuing to save places like Planned Parenthood while also clashing with the opposing religious zealots that make these terrible moments in history happen. The fight has never been easy, or one to ignore. The real problem starts with Anti-Intellectualism, and it’s been a boiling issue in American society, it keeps people in line with the system, it keeps people convicted of false beliefs. We convince the people that weed-smoking chupacabras are coming to steal your babies and convert them to abortion-loving soul eaters. People will believe it if we continue to push an anti-intellectual path. Theocratic ideals come from this, Fascist ideals on a larger scale come from this. The despondence anti-intellectualism creates puts dictators and human rights violators in power, it takes us down a very evil road. This precedent is not good, and I fear there would be no turning back in this fight if we go too far.

Whether you agree with the concept of Abortion or not is totally irrelevant. The Science of it exists, and that’s the truth to the matter. But even in this case, on a very careful scale, that’s also irrelevant to the subject. What’s relevant is Women’s Rights. What’s relevant is fighting to protect women, and the girls growing up to enter this world. Multiple states are doubling down, we can’t afford to sleep for a minute on this. Mitch McConnel didn’t fight to prevent Merrick Garland’s nomination as a final stick it to Obama, it had nothing to do with preparing for a widescale Democratic defeat. It had everything to do with the agenda of packing the courts. It had everything to do with putting the pieces in place to assault human rights. Every last precedent set for any and all was going to be up for grabs. McConnell made it clear with Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination, the cards were stacked in their favor and will continue to. Pay attention, pay attention to every political motive going forward.

This is truly a scary time in history. We can’t see everything as what the future will hold, the books haven’t been written and we can’t afford them to be written this way. We must revamp how we go about the law in this country. We must push to fight for intellectualism, critical thinking, and pursuing empathy to the matters that harm humans. We’ll be insomniacs with anticipation of the coming day’s news.
We must organize on a wide scale, if this piece of work doesn’t leave you with anything to think about, I want you to take on the last thing. Adolf Hitler once said “After all, who remembers the Armenians?”, let’s not allow our history books to say “After all, who remembers the women?”

